2022 is nearly here!! The New Year is always a good time to refresh and reevaluate how you want to go about making your life better. Whether its taking a few minutes for yourself everyday or giving your finances a complete overhaul there's no better time to hit the reset button. Here are 22 things, big and small, you can add to your routine in 2022!
- Be Present
During the pandemic, it became so normal to use all day to binge-watch shows and movies. These habits have been maintained for a lot of people, even with fewer restrictions on going out. Try to use devices less, especially in the presence of other people.
- Create a Self-Care Routine
Designate a day during the week to take care of yourself. A good day would be Sundays because they are usually the most relaxing day of the week. Use one half of the day cleaning and preparing for the week. Try using the second half of the day pampering yourself. Maybe take a bath, do a face mask, paint your nails, and vibe to music whilst doing all of that. This can set the tone for a great week.
- Start a Regular Exercise Routine
Start the year off by designating an exercise goal for each month of 2022. Most people start off by making a goal for the first month then weaning off more and more each month. A good way to be reminded of this goal is to get a new calendar and put it in a place you will see every day. Also, try not to push yourself too hard, this can easily create burnout and make exercising more like a job.
- Drink Water
Drinking water can help with energy levels and physical performance. Lots of New Year’s resolutions revolve around losing weight and a good way to work on that is by drinking water. Aside from weight loss, drinking water is essential to actively pursue a healthier lifestyle.
- Make your Bed
This establishes a neater environment and sets the tone for each day. Try making this the first thing you do when you wake up.
- Read More
Commit to reading one book a month. Reading will keep your brain sharp! Attempt to sit down for thirty minutes a day and read. Books are a great conversation starter and reading will help with decreasing screen time.
- Journal
Try to journal at least a paragraph a day to capture your thoughts for the day. This can help in expressing your emotions and recording memories.
- Stick to a Budget
Making a budget can be easy, but sticking to it is the really difficult part. Instead of trying to make a really drastic change that you can’t uphold, make a budge that allows you to save but also is practical.
- Spend Time Alone
It’s so normal for people to harp on how important interaction is, having time to yourself is just as, if not even more important. This gives time for important self-reflection.
- Be less afraid of making mistakes
A common theme for most people who don’t go after what they want is the fear of failure. Everything in life comes with the possibility of not getting it right for the first, second, etc time. Get used to the mistakes and embrace them!
- Invest in yourself
Take classes or look into things that can help your physical and mental wellbeing. Often times we put all our effort into work/family and that takes up every ounce of energy to do the things we want.
- Continue to Learn
No matter what age you are, it’s super important to always want to continue learning. This makes life interesting and will motivate you to expand your mind.
- Let the Past Go
Don’t potentially miss opportunities ahead of you by not letting things behind you go. This goes along with being present, without being present you cannot enjoy the moment and look ahead to greater things.
- Forgive
This goes along with letting the past go. As soon as you learn to forgive, the easier it will become to move forward.
- Create an Emergency Fund
Once lesson this pandemic has taught us is that we have no idea what is going to happen. Since that is the case, in order to ease any situation, have some financial reassurance. A good tip is to always have cash, you never know when electronic payments will be unavailable.
- Stop Procrastinating
- Keep in touch with loved ones
Try to check up on the people you love most at least once a week. It is so easy to get caught up in life and not realize how much time has gone by since you last spoke to certain people. Sometimes a simple text is all it takes.
- Fulfill One Huge Lifelong Dream
By the end of 2022 do something that you have wanted to do your whole life.
- Volunteer
Give back and make a difference. This is also a good way to meet new people that are different from you.
- Do Something Outside Your Comfort Zone
Challenge yourself to do something that you admire, but would usually never pursue yourself. This could be trying new food, traveling somewhere interesting, or even sitting in a coffee shop alone just to know how it feels.
- Be Creative
Whatever creative outlet fulfills you, take time to release the ideas you have. Remember, you don’t have to be an expert. If you feel like painting and know you are not the best at it, but still love it, WHO CARES. Do what makes you happy no matter the outcome.
- Fall in Love with Yourself
None of these goals can be accomplished if you have not worked on yourself as a person. Often times negative thoughts about ourselves run through our minds. Have the mindset of “If I worked on this, I could achieve this” instead of “Because I am this, I dislike myself”. Simple switches like that can increase the way we feel about ourselves.
What are your goals for 2022? Are you going to add one of these goals to your list? Tell us in the comments below!