Welcome to HHC and welcome to the new HHC Blog!
When I sat down at my dining room table almost 4 years ago to string that very first lava rock bracelet I truly had no idea what was in store. In fact, HHC began almost as an accident. After the birth of my daughter, I started using Essential Oils, I had used them here and there before then but really began learning and integrating them into every aspect of our lives. Like most of you reading this, when you learn what's actually in the products you use everyday, you can't pretend you don't know and with a new baby I was committed to making a change and really finding true wellness for my little family.
After a while I decided to return to my job in Marketing and found myself unable to diffuse during the day. What's an Oily Gal to do? I had read someone online about the benefits of lava rocks and how they could be used to diffuse essential oils so headed right out to craft store (thinking about that now I get shivers - ugh all the chemicals in those craft store lava rocks, more on that later) and strung up a bracelet to wear to work. The effects were awesome - private, long lasting aromatherapy all day!
Being a new mom also Being a new mom meant less time for myself and as a little hobby and way of being more creative I started making a few more lava bracelets for myself. Ones to match certain outfits and ones with little letter beads to make them a bit more personal. And one night, after a few glasses of wine and the urging of some friends and family, I decided to open an Etsy shop.
I cringe when I think of some of those first designs and our first HHC logo, but it was so fun to set up and work on those designs and was integral to finding our style and vibe going forward. I vividly remember our first sale. A pink beaded bracelet with 5 lava rocks and two little skulls! I put so much love and care into that order (and we still do today) and mailed it out with so much pride. The little shop chugged along with some sales here and there and it was so fun and rewarding sending my little designs out into the big world.
I soon became pregnant with my second child and needed to start making some decisions about child care, and my career. While I thought on these big decisions my little Etsy shop started to pick up some steam. Orders came in more frequently, we began getting wholesale order requests and larger retail orders. It soon became apparent to me that this was the direct the universe was pointing me in and not being one to turn my nose up at a sign, I dove in, head first!
Ever since that moment I decided to make HHC my full time job, and to give it 1000% of my heart and soul it has been a non stop crazy ride! We have been overwhelmed every step of the way by the support and love you've shown our little shop and it is our honor to create these pieces for you and see you treasure them.
It is my sincere hope that this blog becomes a place where you'll be inspired. Inspired to find wellness in your own life, inspired to show kindness to others, inspired to try new essential oil blends, inspired to try a new style or look with your jewelry and accessories and most importantly, inspired to listen to gut and be